793 search results found
Mapping ODA research and innovation (MODARI)
Improving data on research and innovation activities funded by UK Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Equitable partnerships
We believe that funders have a key role to play in ensuring research partnerships are equitable. However, there is still a need to identify remaining barriers to and enablers of equitable research partnerships.
Blog Post
No impact without equity
We at UKCDR and ESSENCE have partnered to deliver the Equitable Partnerships Resources Hub. Our blog sets out more about this initiative, and why building equitable partnerships is essential to the research process.
Institutional Learning and Change Initiative: Collaborative Agreements – A “how to” guide
This resource highlights how to make the most of collaborative research, to create successful partnerships which develop a joint vision, define individual activities and objectives, define a joint approach which brings benefits to each organisation, develop a joint work plan, jointly develop methodology and finalise a written agreement which reflects the outcome of this process.
COHRED: Fair Research Contracting
Provides guidance for fairer research contract negotiation in collaborative research partnerships, to provide tools which place contracting knowledge and skills directly in the hands of institutions and government departments who have limited expertise in this area.
Africa Unit UK-Africa Higher Education partnerships: Good Practices in Educational Partnerships Guide
The main reason behind the preparation of this Guide is the lack of knowledge and data about the scope, nature and depth of UK-Africa partnerships in this area.