Mapping ODA research and innovation (MODARI)

Improving data on research and innovation activities funded by UK Official Development Assistance (ODA).

What is MODARI? 

UKCDR is leading a project working to improve the availability and consistency of data on ODA-funded research and innovation across UK government funders and implementing partners. MODARI has three specific areas of focus, which include ODA funding calls, ODAfunded projects, and results of ODA-funded projects. 

Why are we working on this? 

UKCDR has delivered several analyses on ODA-funded research and innovation, for example, UK ODA and Wellcome-funded research capacity strengthening in LMICs. We understand the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-funder datasets and strongly believe that timely, reliable data are key for a coherent, impactful approach to funding development research.

Active ODA-funded projects

To ensure that data can be collated across organisations and made accessible to a wide range of stakeholders, we have built on funders’ existing IT systems and ODA reporting processes. This has involved agreeing common information to collect and coordinating regular updates to a database of ODA projects. The data fields were chosen to balance range of potential portfolio analyses with data collection feasibility across organisations. 

The database is intended to support quicker country/thematic analyses and ODA planning. Iterative improvements to data coverage will continue and we welcome feedback on improvements to this page. Please email us at if you have any suggestions.

Map of ODA research and innovation projects

Below is a map of current research and innovation activity across UK government funders, with drop-down menus to filter by: 

  • Primary funder: lead UK government funder 
  • Fund: ODA fund name 
  • Delivery partner: the external partner conducting or managing the project 
  • Country: beneficiary countries or country location of the research/innovation project (the “select geography type” filter allows toggling between the two) 

Search bars can also be used to look for keywords in the project title/description or a particular implementing organisation. 

Data download options

Option one: Download the full MODARI dataset here [MS Excel] – designed for users who want to use and manipulate the full dataset for their own analyses.

Option two: Using the Tableau map below, download data or crosstabs from within the Tableau window – designed for users who only want data on certain countries.


  • Data caveats

    The field ‘Funder Programme IATI ID‘ allows the user to link the funder activity to the delivery partner activity, where known.

    Please note: care may be needed to avoid double counting these activities if both the funder and delivery partner are included in analyses.

  • Missing data

    From the last update DHSC GAMRIF/UKVN; UKRI Other ODA (i.e., non-Challenge Funds (GCRF, Newton)). Some data on beneficiary countries and names/countries of partner organisations is missing as this is not always available in public data. Work is ongoing in 2023 to increase coverage across UK government funders and delivery partners.

  • Who is this designed for?

    This is a public resource designed for a wide range of stakeholders:

    • Country-based development staff – to find projects with a focus on your country or involving local partners
    • ODA data analysts in government – to see their organisation’s R&I portfolio mapped in a single place and download data
    • Research institutions – to look for existing projects on a thematic area to inform your organisation’s research planning
  • Archived MODARI datasets

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