The value of ODA research

Over the past decades, UK-funded research has contributed to improving the lives of millions, achieved through years of research and collaboration across disciplines and countries.

We have compiled a collection of evidence to help strengthen the rationale for future investment in R&D for global development.

Public data sources from across our members

Case studies demonstrating the impact of UK-funded research

Case study

Uncovering poverty’s complexities

Measuring and understanding the realities of poverty is crucial to deciding how to fight against it. Researchers from the University of Oxford have designed a novel...

Case study

Rewarding social development

Rewarding poor households directly with financial support for performing certain actions is a popular social welfare programme in Latin America. Through detailed impact...

Case study

Guarding against Podoconiosis

Podoconiosis is a tropical disease common in the highland areas of Africa, India, and Central America. It causes painful swelling in the feet and lower legs following...

Case study

Disease-resistant crops

Pearl millet is a staple crop for populations throughout Africa and South Asia. Every year it suffers extensive crop losses due to the disease downy mildew. This leads to...

Case study

Clean water and healthcare

Clean water is a vital to a healthy community, but diarrhoeal disease is a serious threat to public health in developing countries (Image: USAID) Diarrhoeal disease is a...

Case study

The fight against bird flu

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, has proven itself to be a serious global threat. While outbreaks devastate the poultry industry, 60% mortality rates in human cases...