Blog Post
Hot new Horizon 2020 funding opportunities
A busy summer for the EU’s Horizon 2020 scheme Image: Jeremy Vandel As the summer reaches its height, many will be looking forwards to holidays, or at least the promise...
A busy summer for the EU’s Horizon 2020 scheme Image: Jeremy Vandel As the summer reaches its height, many will be looking forwards to holidays, or at least the promise...
This DFID literature review analyses the impact of investments in research on international development. It examines the potential pathways by which research investment may...
Image: USAID Today saw the launch of the latest ESSENCE Group report – “Seven principles for strengthening research capacity in low- and middle-income countries:...
On 29 May UKCDS partnered with the Royal Academy of Engineering to host a roundtable for UK funders and research leaders to discuss the future opportunities in engineering...
This is the first evidence strategy to cover the whole of Defra and its network of agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies. It sets out their evidence priorities, and...
The Bond ID100 workshop in progress Julia Oertli is Membership and Communications Assistant at Bond and organised the ID100 workshop in partnership with UKCDS and...
On 19 May UKCDs hosted a workshop in partnership with Bond and the Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID) to identify research questions on international...
Image: Future Earth At the beginning of May I attended a meeting entitled “Enhancing collaboration between the development aid and global environmental change...
As described in the last engineering update, the UKCDS Secretariat has been working with DFID to map the engineering for development research base. This mapping analysed who...
‘Management of complexity’ by Michael Heiss Intuitively we all know that the world is complex, that cause does not lead to effect and that it’s impossible to control...