News article
Ebola epidemic: changing how we do development?
Come March, we will have reached the one year anniversary of the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa. With the news that the cases of Ebola are declining, the global health...
Come March, we will have reached the one year anniversary of the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa. With the news that the cases of Ebola are declining, the global health...
Over the past year, we’ve been grappling with questions around how complexity science can play a role in international development research. For example, we explored...
UK and India are jointly investing in three new global health research centres. Using high quality reearch team based in the UK and India, the centres will take a global...
The beginning of 2015 brings with it the second part of the first Work Programme of Horizon 2020, and that means a new tranche of funding calls. Out of the new calls, almost...
Knowledge managers, science communicators and policy influencers – all came together for the first ever (and long awaited) ResUp MeetUp Symposium last week. I attended on...
The ICSU/ISSC report on the SDGs A recently published scientific review of the 169 targets set for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has warned that over half of...
The Wellcome Trust’s recently published annual review highlights some of the excellent research they support that has far-reaching impacts for people living around the...
Two recent reports from development-minded institutions demonstrate how research and innovation can help achieve global development outcomes. The Shell...
The attached Ebola Research Database contains information on all current academic research relevant to Ebola that we have been informed about. This information sharing is...
This report by UKCDR maps 300 health research capacity strengthening schemes in LMICS. It explores funders’ activities at the three levels of the innovation system: the individual, the institution, and the environment/ecosystem, and it investigates the geographical scope and breakdown of activities across thematic area (infectious disease, NCDs, etc.).