News article
Ecole du Cirque, National Initiative for Human Development Support Project (INDH)

A large-scale, multi-country research programme will study education systems in developing countries to learn how we can improve schooling around the world.

The newly announced Research on Improving Systems for Education (RISE) programme will fund research teams and facilitate policy engagement in up to five developing countries.

Supported by £27 million from DFID, the programme will seek to inform how education systems can be reformed to deliver better learning for all.

This programme is urgently needed. Despite advances in schooling worldwide, there are still significant challenges in education. While we are 90 percent of the way towards achieving the Millennium Development Goal of universal enrolment in primary education, at least one third of children are not learning the basics in reading and mathematics, whether they have been to school or not.

The Center for Global Development (CGD), Oxford Policy Management (OPM), and Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government (BSG) will collaborate to direct and implement the research over seven years.

The research will be led by Professor Lant Pritchett with a team at the Center for Global Development, a non-profit think tank based in Washington DC. UKCDS hosted Professor Pritchett, and other education research specialists, at our event: Being in school is not enough: education systems research and the global learning crisis.

At the event the RISE vision papers were shared and can be found below.

For more information see the RISE website.
