Research Capacity Strengthening Hub

Explore this collection of tools, guides, reports and other resources on research capacity strengthening (RCS) for development.


Relevant for funders, researchers, implementers, and other stakeholders engaged in RCS.


Find out more about UKCDR’s work in the RCS space through the Research Capacity Strengthening Group


Research Capacity Strengthening: lessons from UK-funded initiatives in low- and middle-income countries

This learning report is part of a UKCDR-led cross-funder review of UK-funded research capacity strengthening (RCS) programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). This report builds upon our 2021 briefing paper by collating learning from UK-funded RCS initiatives in LMICs, across disciplines, and providing recommendations for designing, implementing, and evaluating future funds and programmes.

8 August 2022


ESSENCE Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

This good practice document offers a common framework for funders of RCS, to make it easier for recipients of funding to fulfil the planning, monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) obligations of multiple funders

5 June 2019


Funders’ priorities: Rapid mapping

This report by UKCDR provides a high-level overview of the complex research capacity strengthening landscape, revealing trends in funders’ RCS strategies.

27 August 2015


Health Research Capacity Strengthening: A UKCDR Mapping

This report by UKCDR maps 300 health research capacity strengthening schemes in LMICS. It explores funders’ activities at the three levels of the innovation system: the individual, the institution, and the environment/ecosystem, and it investigates the geographical scope and breakdown of activities across thematic area (infectious disease, NCDs, etc.).

9 February 2015


Strengthening Research Systems: Concepts, Actions and Actors

This report reviews frameworks for strengthening research systems, gives examples of policies to improve RCS systems, and analyses the landscape of organisations engaged in research management or RCS in sub-Saharan Africa.

5 June 2019


Money & Microbes: Strengthening Research Capacity to Prevent Epidemics

From the International Vaccines Task Force, this report develops a framework (for action by countries, development partners, research funders, research organisations and the private sector) for financing clinical research and trial capacity strengthening in low and middle-income countries.

5 June 2019