Case study
Low mobility in rural Africa
Transport and mobility are often considered essential ingredients for development, but limited means of transport disproportionally affecting certain groups in rural areas...
A discussion of research’s impact on international development in light of the DFID literature review following the UKCDS-hosted workshop.
On 27 October UKCDS hosted a workshop for funders and researchers to discuss the findings of a DFID literature review: “What is the evidence on the impact of research on international development?”
The meeting included a presentation from the review’s author, Kirsty Newman, as well as responses to the review from Jill Jones (MRC) and Camilla Toulmin (IIED), before the discussion was opened up to all participants.
The discussion touched upon the link between research and economic growth, as well as the importance of capacity building and human capital as some of the biggest drivers of development.
Here you can find a summary of the event, as well as Kirsty and Jill’s presentations.
The full DFID literature review can be found here, which since the event has been updated to version 1.1.
For a summary of the review’s findings, visit Kirsty’s blog.