UK-Funded Research on Housing in Kenya
Report mapping the size of the UK's investment in the priority area of affordable housing in Kenya
We have been proud to support the UK Government’s new and distinctive commitment to work alongside, invest in and partner with African nations. In particular, driving greater coherence and impact across UK’s investments in science, technology and innovation, as well as supporting long-term research partnerships between UK and African institutions.
Joint UK-Kenya Oversight Board
The Joint UK-Kenya Oversight Board on Science, Research, and Innovation provides a platform to foster dialogue across both countries on the role of research, and from the UK side, with UKCDR and SCOR Board support, aims to provide a more holistic picture of the UK offer on science, innovation and technology. We have provided an overview of UK’s investments and demonstrated the value of a joint UK offer and the value of coherence across the UK’s ODA research and innovation footprint in Africa.
When the Oversight Board identified affordable housing as one of Kenya’s top four policy priorities and an issue to address jointly, UKCDR worked in partnership with DFID, FCO and UKRI to deliver the UK-Kenya Research Symposium on ‘Healthy Cities: Affordable Housing & Sustainable Infrastructure’ in Nairobi, May 2019. The symposium aimed to broker dialogue across sectors towards the adoption of housing policies that promote sustainable.
Report mapping the size of the UK's investment in the priority area of affordable housing in Kenya
To showcase existing research partnerships and explore the potential for new innovative interdisciplinary collaborations, UK and Kenya hosted a research symposium on ‘Healthy Cities, Housing and Sustainable Infrastructure’ in Nairobi in May 2019. This report represents the collective views of the participants and the opportunities for impact that were identified.
Everyone understands the importance of having a place to call ‘home’, but with people around the world moving into cities at an unprecedented rate, this is getting harder...
On 30 January 2020 we published three country-level reports, analysing the nature and reach of UK (ODA and Wellcome) funding for international development research and partnership activities between 2014-2019 in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.
The mapping provides a detailed overview of the scale of UK investments in partnership with research leaders in each country. It identifies important recommendations on strengths and gaps to facilitate partnerships its research partnerships in each country to inform priority setting based on national research priorities and effective communication with in-country stakeholders in support of UK diplomatic and prosperity objectives.
This report presents an analysis of the nature and reach of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Wellcome funding for international development research and partnership activities in Kenya between 2014 – 2019, positioned within the wider profile of the Kenyan national research and innovation system.
This report presents an analysis of the nature and reach of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Wellcome funding for international development research and partnership activities in Nigeria between 2014 – 2019, positioned within the wider profile of the Nigerian national research and innovation system.
This report presents an analysis of the nature and reach of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Wellcome funding for international development research and partnership activities in South Africa between 2014 – 2019, positioned within the wider profile of the South African national research and innovation system.
UKCDR has published three new country-level reports on Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. The reports analyse the nature and reach of UK (ODA and Wellcome) funding for international development research and partnership activities between 2014-2019 in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.