Disasters Research Group

The Disasters Research Group (DRG) has been regularly convened informally since 2009 for members to enhance research and technology-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) through improved coordination of UK and international funders, research providers and users. This is done by sharing information on research and investment plans or policy interests and to gain an update on international research initiatives. It largely comprises of UK research funders or experts linked to international disaster reduction initiatives to promote coordination, networking and collaboration opportunities at the UK and international level.

What are our aims?

The DRG aims to support delivery of components of the UK’s commitment to DRR investments, initiatives, investments and impacts by enhancing research and technology based DRR, primarily through improved networking, collaboration and coordination of UK and international funders.


What is our scope?

  1. Shares information on UK funding activities and encourages collaboration between its members and others, where appropriate.
  2. Provides funders, research providers and users with readily available and relevant information on research gaps and foci.
  3. Develops and recommends processes to facilitate and sustain research uptake across multiple user communities
  4. Provides funders, research providers and users with readily accessible and relevant knowledge resources and tools for DRR
  5. Influence the international and national research and innovation agenda for DRR.


Who are our members?

Most DRG members are senior representatives of organisations supporting DRR research through direct funding, collaborative support, in-kind services or indirect means. UK representatives of international DRR organisations are also members. The DRG is multi-institutional and non-Departmental.


When do we meet?

The DRG meets quarterly


What have we done?

The Disasters Research Group has resulted in a number of collaborative ventures including the development of joint research programmes, such as: Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards Programme (NERC-ESRC 2010-2018 £5.8m) Science for Humanitarian Emergencies & Resilience (DfID-NERC-ESRC 2015-2022 £19m) and Building Resilience to Environmental Hazards (NERC–AHRC-ESRC 2017-2018 £4.5m).

The DRG has played a significant role in the development and implementation of the key UN constructs of the wider 2030 Agenda, comprising the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework.

Disasters Research Group 10th Anniversary Booklet


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