
This UKCDS DRR timeline shows the build-up to the conference in Sendai and showcases UKCDS’ work.

On 14 – 18 March, the Third World Conference on DRR is taking place in Sendai, Japan. UN states will agree the Post-2015 Framework for DRR, which will replace the current Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) – an agreement on how countries prepare for, and respond to, disasters.

Since March 2014, UKCDS has been working with a number of UK-based and international organisations to ensure that the contribution science and scientists can make in reducing disaster risk features more prominently in the post-2015 Framework than it did in its predecessor, the HFA.

This UKCDS DRR timeline shows the build-up to the conference in Sendai and showcases UKCDS’ work.

The file is an interactive PDF so please open it in Adobe Reader. Click on each link to find out more about our work and the UN process.


  • The different strands of the timeline show events of a certain theme.
  • Black circles = events UKCDS has been directly involved in
  • Bold text = products of UKCDS work
  • Blue circles = events UKCDS has been indirectly involved in or informed
  • Grey circles = events UKCDS has not been involved in

For more information see this blog on the same topic.

UKCDS DRR timeline


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