On 5 November 2012, UKCDS, UKTI AFBS and UUK hosted a one-day workshop providing information on the world of aid-funded business.
The following slides were presented by Nigel Peters, Director of UKTI Aid-Funded Business Service and Director of British Expertise, the leading trade association for consultants and professional service companies:
1. What is Aid-Funded Business?
This section of the presentation is the what? why? where? and who? of Aid-Funded Business, providing an overview of all the main international financial institutions (IFIs) and the United Nations agencies.
2. How do I do it?
These slides provide the information needed when considering applying for aid funding, detailing where the project information can be found and discussing registrations, short-listing and tendering.
3. Case Study: Education Sector
An in-depth look at the Education Sector in aid-funded business..
4. How can UKTI help me
The UKTI Aid-Funded Business Service is available to give advice to any UK based organisation. Find out exactly what the service can do for you.
5. Useful contacts
Make sure you know the people out there who can help you in this area.