Funding call

NERC, along with the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Science & Technology Facilities Council, all part of UK Research & Innovation, with the Indian government’s Department for Biotechnology (DBT), are pleased to pre-announce a joint Newton-Bhabha Fund call for collaborative research proposals focusing on enhancement of agricultural data relevant to animal and plant health in India.

The call for joint UK-India proposals will open in late September / early October 2018 and the UK funders have up to £2 million to commit to this call, with matched funding from DBT.

An opportunity is now available to express interest in attending a partnership building workshop to be held in India during the week commencing 19 November 2018.

The call for proposals will close in early January 2019, to allow time for both workshop participants and those who are not able to attend the workshop to develop up to 18-month project proposals in collaboration with Indian partners. Attendance at the workshop is not mandatory to apply to the call; presentations and a workshop report will be made public after the event.