Funding call

The NIHR Global HPSR programme supports research which aims to improve whole health systems and health services in ODA-eligible countries on the DAC list through development of equitable partnerships between LMIC and UK researchers, who together will engage stakeholders to identify and address priorities for research in health policy and health systems and develop plans for capacity strengthening and knowledge sharing.

The aim of the NIHR Global HPSR Commissioned Awards call is to support equitable partnerships between LMIC and UK researchers to generate new research knowledge and evidence to tackle priorities for health systems strengthening in ODA eligible countries in areas identified as priorities through the NIHR’s engagement and consultation exercise (see Section 4 Priority Areas – Background below).

Awards of up to £4m for a duration of up to 4 years are available for partnerships/consortia led by two Joint Lead Applicants (one from an LMIC and one from a UK institution) and up to three additional Co-Applicants.