This scheme provides junior researchers from low- and middle-income countries with the opportunity to gain research experience and training at Master’s degree level. The scheme aims to support research that will improve public health and tropical medicine at a local, national and global level.
Who can apply
You can apply for a Master’s Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine if you:
- are a national of a low- or middle-income country
- hold a clinical or non-clinical undergraduate degree in a subject relevant to public health or tropical medicine.
You must also:
- be at an early stage in your career with limited research experience (but you must have a demonstrated interest in, or aptitude for, research)
- have sponsorship from an eligible host organisation in a low- or middle-income country
- have a research proposal that is within our public health and tropical medicine remit.
Who can’t apply
You can’t apply if you’re:
- intending to be based in the UK, Republic of Ireland or another high-income country (although your taught course can be anywhere in the world)
- a researcher in India – instead see the Wellcome Trust/Department of Biotechnology India Alliance
- currently applying for another Wellcome Trust fellowship.
What we’re looking for
Your research proposal should focus on an area within our public health and tropical medicine remit. Research can include laboratory-based molecular analysis of field or clinical samples, but we don’t normally consider projects focused solely on studies in vitro or using animal models.
We’re particularly interested in requests for research training support in the social sciences, demography, health economics, medical statistics and vector biology.
When we consider your application, we’ll look at:
- the quality and importance of your research question(s)
- the feasibility of your approach to solving these problems
- the suitability of your choice of research environments
- the suitability of the Master’s course you select – it should take place at a recognised centre of excellence and provide you with training that will complement your research project.
What’s expected of your host organisation
You must be based at an eligible host organisation in a low- or middle-income country for the research project. When your host organisation submits your application, they must agree to provide the space and resources you’ll need from the start date through to the end date of your award.
Sponsor and supervisor
You should give careful thought to your choice of sponsor and supervisor. Your sponsor should:
- hold an established post for the duration of the fellowship
- have an ongoing research programme
- have a strong track record in research, training and mentorship
- provide you with guidance during the application process and fellowship.
Your sponsor should not expect you to spend more than eight hours a week on non-research activities (eg clinical duties, teaching or administration).
Your sponsor’s support and mentorship should be part of a longer-term commitment to help you achieve your career aspirations.
You should also identify a supervisor who will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of your research project. We expect you to identify additional supervisors for each period that you spend outside your host organisation, including your taught course.
You can nominate your sponsor as a supervisor, if appropriate.
Stages of application
Submit your full application
You must submit your application through the Wellcome Trust Grant Tracker(opens in a new tab).
We may take up to three to four months to consider your full application.
The Public Health and Tropical Medicine Interview Committee will shortlist applications.
Review by interview committee
The Public Health and Tropical Medicine Interview Committee will review your application and make the final decision. There are no interviews for these fellowships. If successful, you must take up the fellowship within one year of the award.
We consider applications twice a year. You must submit your application by 17:00 (GMT/BST) on the deadline day. We don’t accept late applications.
March 2018 round
Application deadline
26 March 2018, 17:00 BST
June 2018