Funding call
The Academy of Medical Sciences has announced the call for applications to its Professorship Scheme. Working in partnership with UK Higher Education Institutions, they will be providing an attractive package of support to biomedical and healthcare researchers taking up a full Professorship in the UK.

The Academy of Medical Sciences is committed to attracting and retaining emerging talent from across the globe to the UK, and recognises the importance of capacity building at the early-leadership career stage.

This scheme seeks to progress that ambition by offering flexible support to researchers imminently taking up a full Professorship, or for those that have recently commenced such a position.  Awards will be made in partnership with the employing Higher Education Institute (HEI).

Key dates

Round 6 is now open to applications. The deadline for this round is 9 February 2022, 4pm (GMT). 

Shortlisted candidates will be expected to attend for interview in early March 2022.