Funding call

The IZA/DFID Programme on Gender, Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries (G²LM|LIC) marks the extension of the successful IZA/DFID cooperation, which started as the Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries (GLM|LIC) programme in 2011. The extension aims at building a significant new body of evidence on gender, growth, and labour markets to help shape gender and labour market policies in low-income countries. Capacity building through involvement of researchers from low-income countries is strongly encouraged.

We are pleased to announce that the electronic application portal for the first phase of G2LM|LIC (Phase V of the overall programme) is now open. The call covers 5 wide-ranging research themes:

Theme 1: Facts about gender, jobs, and poverty

Theme 2: Fertility and labour markets

Theme 3: Barriers to gender parity

Theme 4: The future of work: automation, urbanization and the environment

Theme 5: Policies and welfare: costs and benefits of gender parity

Two types of research grants will be offered:

  1. Large-scale research grants for experienced researchers based in institutions and organizations from all over the world to fund big research projects in LICs. In this round, we expect to fund around 10 large projects with a total budget of about 3 million Euros.
  2. Small research grants mainly targeting junior researchers (PhD students or researchers who have less than five years of work/research experience past the PhD) based in institutions and organizations from all over the world, as well as senior or junior researchers based in institutions and organizations in LICs (see the list of countries here). In this round, we plan to fund 3-6 small research projects with a maximum value of 30,000 Euros each.